Online workshop on Computational Materials Science: 14-15 December 2024

Participation to this workshop is free of charge for HSSTCM or FEMS members.
To participate in this conference, you must have paid your 2024 membership fee of HSSTCM by Dec. 11th.
Besides CMS24, HSSTCM members receive discounts at the EUROMAT conference organized by FEMS while student members can claim scholarship discounts/exemptions in various conferences. Most important, HSSTCM members become part of the Greek Materials Science community and receive newsletters with conference announcements, job offers and other news.
HSSTCM membership costs 20 euros per year (10 euros for students of all levels). To become member or to renew your membership:
- Fill the membership form found at the HSSTCM webpage
- Make a bank transfer to the IBAN given in the membership form and
- Send the filled membership form and the receipt of the bank transfer to
All HSSTCM members will receive email with instructions on how to connect to the workshop teleconference on Dec. 13th.
Organizing Committee
Avramopoulos Aggelos, Department of Physics, University of Thessaly
Karakasidis Theodoros, Department of Physics, University of Thessaly
Remediakis Ioannis, Department of Materials Science, University of Crete
Confirmed Speakers (11/11/2024)
- Harmandaris Vangelis “Computational Modeling of Materials Across Scales: Physics-based or Data-driven models?” University of Crete
- Kehrakos Dimitrios “Novel functionalities using magnetic skyrmions in nanorings” ASPETE
- Kioseoglou Iosif, “Machine learning based atomistic potentials“, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Lathiotakis Nektarios, “Exploring nanoscale materials with Density Functional Theory: probing structural mechanical and electronic properties”, National Hellenic Research Foundation
- Papageorgiou Dimitrios, “Hierarchical multiscale simulations in organic electronic materials”, University of Ioannina
- Simserides Constantinos, “Charge motion in bio-organic nanowires“, University of Athens
- Sofos Filippos, “Molecular Dynamics and explainable Machine Learning methods to extract material properties” University of Thessaly
- Tasolabrou Anna, “Advanced Electromagnetic Wave Control in Metamaterials“, NUA
- Theodorou Doros, “Atomistic and Mesoscopic Modeling of Polymer Properties“, National Technical University of Athens
- Vanakaras Alexandros, “Εntropy driven self organisation in soft matter” , University of Patras